Is your data protection process healthy?

Can your practice survive a major data or server loss?  Recently we’ve had a clear reminder that catastrophic failures happen.  Much more common, but less public, are disk failures and data losses that are costly and can hinder a practice’s ability to conduct business.

Backup data must be moved offsite daily so that it is safe in the event of a catastrophe.  Some options are removable media such as tapes or external hard drives that are carried off site.  Internet backup services are also widely available.  Files and folders are selected and transmitted offsite during the night.  The volume of data that can be protected is dependent upon the bandwidth (data rate) of your Internet connection, and data must be encrypted to comply with HIPAA.  While fully automated, only the pre-selected files are retrievable if needed.  When choosing this type of service be sure to check features offered, user feedback, and the reliability of the company that will hold your data.

None of these methods address business continuity.  A failed server can take days to recover.  The hardware must be replaced, the operating system (Windows) reinstalled, your software installed and configured, and finally your data is restored.  Cost-effective backup and disaster recovery systems (BDRs) offer comprehensive protection.  They provide fully-automated secure daily offsite backups, disk-image copies to restore your server disks in one quick step, and onsite backup snapshots for recovery of files lost weeks or months ago.  And BDRs keep your practice running – they act as a stand-in server so your staff goes back to work while your own server is being cured.

Gordon-WaltonGordon Walton, President